• Sardine Run South Africa

Sardine Run South Africa

Join Chris & Gavin as they begin an epic journey through Africa on this 1 week dive trip to eastern South Africa to dive one of the most extraordinary widllife migrations on earth. The Sardine Run.  Observe the sardines and all levels of preadators converge.  This is a must attend event.  Chris' longtime friend and SA local diveb center owner and fellow 2004 Course Director graduate will guide us on this trip.  This is leg 1 of the 3 different legs available on this African adventure. 

Starting from

Availability: In Stock

Join Chris & Gavin as they begin an epic journey through Africa on this 1 week dive trip to eastern South Africa to dive one of the most extraordinary widllife migrations on earth. The Sardine Run.  Observe the sardines and all levels of preadators converge.  This is a must attend event.  Chris' longtime friend and SA local diveb center owner and fellow 2004 Course Director graduate will guide us on this trip.  This is leg 1 of the 3 different legs available on this African adventure. 



$3,000 per diver

Whats Included: 

  • 1 week sardine run all inclusive 
  • 5 days two tank dives
  • all transfers
  • epic adventure

Whats not included: 

Join us on the Kruger National Park 5 day safari immedietly following this dive week  Add onto the SAFARI here

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