Dive Trips

We love to travel

Dive Travel, it is one of the most exciting parts of Scuba Diving, be it big critters, amazing and historic shipwrecks, throw in stunning reefs teaming with schooling fish then add in weird but mouthwatering cuisines and we just can't wait to get back on that plane to our next destination. At Blue Crew, we are ALWAYS traveling, and want you to come along for the ride. 

Blue Crew trips are some of the most rewarding experiences, both in the water and on land just hanging out with the group.  Have you ever wondered if dinasuars actually existed? Well, when a whale shark swims past you, you won't wonder anymore.  How about schools of fish so thick you think it's a Disney movie. 

Whether it's the warm waters of the caribbean and the pacific, or gorgeous cold waters off Maine or Iceland, Blue Crew is headed there.  Join us on our next trip or trips to explore the wet parts of this planet. 

We love to travel, near and far, for a weekend or a month.  Join us, it's life altering.
