Leon Sell - Master Scuba Diver Trainer

Hi, I’m Leon Sell. I have been a Phys. Ed. and adventure sports instructor for 35 years both in a school and camp setting. While most of my adventures were above water, I was eager to add SCUBA to my list of accomplishments. My first dive was with my wife on our honeymoon in Aruba and our favorite place to dive since then has been the warm waters of the Caribbean with its’ abundant and diverse wildlife. My favorite dive was probably a night dive on the Benwood wreck, Key Largo. We saw tons of beautiful fish including a giant turtle.
It seemed a natural marriage to combine my love for teaching, adventure and diving so, over the past couple years I worked to become a dive instructor. One of my personal goals is to work with divers with disabilities. My passion has always been to introduce adventure sports to others, and it’s especially gratifying to teach those who may have some initial discomfort, fear or other obstacle. Those who overcome personal challenges on the way to successful adventures often experience a high level of pride and satisfaction, and it is fun to share those accomplishments. See you under water!